India Inspiration


I’m currently away in India, on a 6 week travelling adventure, where I’ve come to gathering inspiration for a new collection of paintings. At the end of last year I was feeling quite stuck in my practice and strongly felt the need for a new experience, to open up different ways of thinking and working.

I’m lucky to of travelled independently several times before and know that having time away from my day to day life and and space to think and reflect is always greatly beneficial. I also know that I thrive from being in new environments with new people and that seeing life from a fresh perspectives energises me and this therefore feeds into my work.

I flew into Mumbai just over 2 weeks ago and spent my first few days exploring the bustling city which is a riot of rickshaws, people, beautiful architecture, street vendors, cows, bicycles, temples and more. I loved discovering this city, which is so alive and vibrant, but after 3 days was glad to be getting the train down to Goa which is much more relaxed and has spectacular beaches, lined with palm tree groves and white sands.

Since here I’ve been doing a mixture of activities that feed my practice including journalling, meditating, playing around in my sketchbook, taking photographs and recording my first impression of India in paint. I’m not sure where this experience is going to take me, as yet, but I feel so incredibility lucky to be here and can feel many new ideas coming to me daily.


Colours & Textures of India


Cold Wax Painting Article